Michael Koppy


“‘All in the Timing’ is an amazing wonder... a quasi-James Joyce-ian cavalcade of hilarious wordplay and panoramic insights... totally unique... brilliant.” — Mark S. Tucker, Folk and Acoustic Music

“Michael Koppy’s Ashmore’s Store is a stunning, unprecedented album.”  — Bill Meredith, Palm Beach Post

“The remarkable ‘All in the Timing’ has more knowing literary references than a month’s worth of Jeopardy episodes... genuinely groundbreaking.” — Michael Hamersly, Miami Herald

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     Available now.

Words and Music Into the Future: A Songwriting Treatise and Manifesto

To order ($35.00 to anywhere in the USA, and includes packaging and postage) click .

Personally signed, if you wish—to you or to someone you designate, if bought as a gift. Let me know.